Birthday Card Messages

Birthday Card Messages is the web page that has quotes, sayings and phrases about the celebration of a birthday suitable for greeting card wishes, text messages or to include in a speech. They are motivational, meaningful and memorable, good or bad or great, the best or the worst, funny and hilarious, sad, cute or cool, stupid, dumb or crazy, outrageous or inspiring

No one can hold a candle to you. Happy Birthday


May this year be your best ever.


Wishing you a year filled with the same joy you bring to others


When we're together or when we're apart, you're first in my thoughts and first in my heart. Have a lovely birthday


Happy Birthday to someone who is forever young


May today be filled with sunshine and smiles, laughter and love


You only have one birthday a year - so party hearty


You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely. -Ogden Nash

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